Let's see where to start..... I guess old business first is a good way right??
Okay old business:
So the crazy bitch of a neighbor is still doing what she can to try to start crap. For some reason she feels the need to mow our yard. (which screws it up cause she does a really bad job and waits for weeks at a time). It's just really getting old. Her kids keep throwing their football at the house, or run around in our front yard. Which with this last time I told the oldest boy "If you hit my house with that football or anything else for that matter again from this point on I well call the cops and I well file a police report make sure your mother knows this." So far I must have gotten thru cause they haven't hit the house.
Then of course she's got a new boyfriend he's arabic. I caught the asshole looking in our windows a few times. Which is just flat out creepy. You look over and theirs this guy looking in your windows yuck! So of course we went thru the whole house and put blinds up. We're hoping that soon the park well have a three bedroom (Not holding our breath on it tho) so we can get away from her. Since it's pretty much going to be the only answer the park wont do anything about her kids hitting our house or messing with out lot even tho in the lease it says that they well take care of it if it can't be settled between the two parties. But our next step is getting a hold of the park managers boss and talking to them cause they keep giving us the run around whenever we go in to talk to them.
Now the Newer News:
I started a new job. I got hired in July 6th. I went back to a part of the field of work that I was studying in high school. I'm working third shift at an adult foster care home. I really enjoy working there, the other midnight and I get along really well. I look at the clients as my family. I'm there enough it really was bound to happen right? lol I think I'm adjusting to the hours pretty well. Some days are a little harder then others but still they aren't bad.
Ernie's been having issues at work. His store manager got canned due to her own stupidity. But of course it's everyone else fault but her own. So now there's this other manager from another store that's coming in on her power trip, and in her process of tring to fix the store she's turning it into a bigger mess. So of course Ernie's looking for a different job. I can't say that i blame him with all the crap that's going on in that store. I hope he finds something that he actually enjoys. It's stressful having a job you dont enjoy.
Well it happen Ernie let me get a dog. August 12th we picked up Karma, she's a beautiful 3 year old purebred rottweiler. From the day we picked her up she's been amazing with us. She loves the kids. Since we've gotten her we dont have a problem with the neighbor looking into the windows anymore. If we go out we have to make sure that the windows are closed and the blind are open if we can't take her with us. If we dont the blind well be broken and she well be standing on the porch when we get home. It was a learning curb the first time for us lol. Now I just have to figure out what she's having the allergic reaction to. Right now we have her on Iams so I'm not sure if it's the food or not. Time to figure it out tho. But we love her and she's mine. lol