
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

School the Triple A's and the double E's

So it's been about a month or almost two since I let you into whats going on around me. Boy oh boy where do or should I start?? I'll keep it simple and start were I left off in my last post.


So the meeting with Ross Medical went very well. I am a full time student. Monday thru Friday 8:15a.m. to 12:45p.m. I'm almost done with my first mod next week is my last week, then we move on to another one. so far I've had all A's or B's on my work/ test. except one test I got a C's on. Which I was so mad about, I'm still really mad about it. I can deal with B's I would rather have all A's but if I can't have an A I want B's. C's are not acceptable. Not for as much as I'm paying for my classes anyhow. But enough about school for now.


Work still sucks. I mean come on its a stupid gas station. I get my crap done but the boss is never and I mean never happy. She bitches about everything. I get certain customers that like clock work their in there every night about the same time which of course we talk. I can't help that my customers love me. Of course she bitches about it. The said thing is I run circles around her. She's a shitty boss anyhow, she'll run her mouth to everyone else in the store and wont say a thing to me about whatever wasn't done or whatever the problem is. I always hear it from everyone else and I always tell them the same thing. I'll believe it when she actually acts like a manager and has the balls to tell me to my face. Which well never happen cause she knows I can call her out on a bunch of shit to. She'll lose that battle. 


As if you couldn't tell from my post on facebook already, Ernie and I are adopting Amanda. She needs to have parents that actually care about her and will teacher her the things that she needs to know for the real world. Not sitting there and yell at her for every little thing she does. What do you know... we somehow find time to help her with her school work, so she can actually get her grades up.

( Some people shouldn't have the right to have kids. The sad thing is her mom actually just kicked her out of the house then went all childish and removed her from facebook. She didn't even wish her Happy Birthday on her 16th birthday. That is what I call a shitty parent. No matter how mad you are at your child you shouldn't cut off all ties. I still can't figure out why she would say Amanda's so bad. Ya I have to get after her every once in a while but she's a normal teenager. I feel bad for the other two kids in that house, but then if the kids were actually disciplined they wouldn't be so horrible acting. But her reason for everything is that they have autism. Hate to break this to her but my cousin has serve autism. All those two kids need are rules that are actually enforced as well as punishments.) Sorry went off on a rant....

Andrew and Elizabeth are doing really good. Elizabeth's pretty much fully potty trained andrew's almost done with 1st grade. But our families growing by one more. :) Ernie and I are doing really good just really busy. Between school and work and filling out all the paper work that needs to be filled out it seems we're always on the run.