
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Full house and Busy busy busy......

I know I need to stay up on on my blogs more offen. A few things have happened, all of which Ernie and I knew and were waiting for.

Ernie and I have full guardianship over Amanda as of July 5,2012. I have to say its the best thing that could have ever happen to her. (so people think its the worst decision she ever made) But like I told Amanda she was very wise Ernie and I well make sure she gets the education she needs. But Ernie and I are having her work on her grades they are very poor right now. She's getting on the right track now tho, so she should be graduating with her class.

Andrew and Elizabeth love having Amanda around. Their both doing very well. They're driving me nuts but I guess thats their job. *sigh*Andrew starts second grade this year. He's really excided. Just have to wait till elizabeth can go.

I only have a few more months then I'll be done with school. I have a 3.29 gpa Which is pretty good I think. This month my arms have been poked a lot were doing blood draws so my arms are all brused and have needle marks. But I'm doing pretty well I get all my blood draws for the most part. It's a rush. Today in class we got to play with blood clots. It was so much fun. I can't wait to get to do it tomorrow.