
Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Recent events that have taken place, forced me to take some times to myself for some reflection. I noticed something that didn't really surprise me. But it makes a lot of sense.... to me anyhow.

Thoughout high school and actually my whole life I was pretty much a black wolf. I had friends, yes we hung out sometimes but really I kept to myself. I always did my own thing. I was always busy. Either with school, sports, work, or other activities in the community. For the most part I always around older adults not so much people my own age. Like I said before I was a black wolf I did a lot of things on my own. I really think I was better off that that way on most things. I didn't get dragged into the drama.

I'm a friendly person I get a long with everyone, I'll help anyone that needs help. I don't care about drama and I walk away from people who start it. I have better things to do with my time then worry about someones bullshit. It's one thing if your going thru somethingyou can't control (illness, death, other life issues) but it's clearly another when you bring it on yourself. People aren't stupid they can put little peices of information together and figure crap out. You can have all the smarts in the world and still do dumb shit on a daily bases.

I'm fed up with all this crap that has been going on. I'll always be there for my friends when they need me. I'm not going to put up with the bullshit of being told I said something I  never said. Everyone has things they have to deal with in life. All of it happens for a reason. I dont think I'll ever fully understand why but it does.

As alot of you already know Ernie and I have lost three children. Our son Thomas J. Watson. November 12, 2003 I was 25 weeks along with him. We lost our twins when I was 10 weeks on November 30, 2007. In November of 2008 I lost my cousin that I was very close to in a hunting accident. He was more like a brother, since he lived with us when I was growing up for a while. November of last year I lost my grandpa. Which was really hard on me and I never really have delt with it yet. I know pain I know sadness. They are way to friendly with me. I'm over both of them.

Just remember your not the only one going thru hard times. Someone out there is worse off then you are. I know its hard to believe but its true. Don't go getting yourself into crap you can't handle. People well understand if you tell them its to much for you to take on with the things that are already going on in your life. If they can't understand that then their not worth being your friend in the first place.