
Saturday, September 6, 2014

When a tear runs down my cheek

When a tear runs down my cheek it doesn't always mean that I'm sad or grieving. 

When a tear runs down my cheek it's the build up of pain leaving my body. You see the pain can only stay for so long before it has to leave to make room for new more intense pain.

When a tear runs down my cheek it holds hours of pain that I've pushed through with a fake smile on my face. (Looking "normal") So that no one knows my real pain. I was always told "Pain is just weakness leaving the body." I should be invincible by now.

When a tear runs down my cheek don't be surprised if you never see it. If you do consider yourself very special.  I only open myself up like that to people I feel safe with and I feel I can trust being vulnerable around.

When a tear runs down my cheek I am not broken.  Even though I might feel that way. I'm stronger then what I was 5 minutes ago.

When a tear runs down my cheek it may be from the judgemental pricks. That think chiari malformation can be cured by surgery.  (It CAN'T! !  If it could and it was 100% effective, then I would consider it but im not going to have anyone cut into my head for something that might or might not work)

A tear ran down my cheek today. In fact it was more like 6 or 8. Through the pain I still put on a smile like nothings wrong.