
Thursday, October 13, 2011

I guess I'm slacking,,,,

Once again I'm falling behind in my blogs. It is starting to bug me cause really its the only way for me to get my thoughts out. Not to mention its a good way to keep track of things that have happen. Not to mention sometimes i have a lot to say depending on whats going on.

We finally moved it was a fast move to. We're on the other side of the park. It's a lot nicer over here more kids for Andrew and Elizabeth to play with. Not to mention I love the house its nice we all have our own rooms and two bathrooms. To top it all off it only needs little things done to it little drywall work Ernie says it isn't a big deal at all. Of course thank you to Roberta and Terry for helping us move it really does mean a lot to us.

Ernie finally got out of retail. (Thank god!!!) He's now doing the same thing as me, today he's finishing his classes I'm very happy for him he got a 96% on his med test. From what I understand he likes it so far. I hope that its something he'll like doing its a good field to be in. But we're off to a good start with him liking it right now so that's a plus.

So not to long ago I picked up a kitten. Oh course Ernie named it. Which it's name is fitting Snicker's but it does look like a snickers bar lol. Karma likes her the kittens always grabbing her nose. It's pretty funny.

Right now I'm getting some mad hours at work. Which mainly has to do with something I did. I got a girl fired for smoking weed on the clock. That's one thing that pisses me off, What people do on their own time is them but there's no reason to being doing that at work our job isn't stressful by any means. She should have seen it coming I told her the first day I worked with her if she ever told me she was smoking weed on the clock I would file a report on her. So what does the dumb-ass do tells me she took to hits. But of course it's every ones fault but her own. When well people grown up?? So for now everyone at work likes me cause I did something none of them had the balls to and that's call and report which if i have to i'll do it again. I'm not having the people I take care of every night get hurt because someone can't wait 8hours to get home to be stupid.

Well that's pretty much it for right now I think. I promise I'll try not to wait 2 months before i post again. lol

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