
Monday, December 27, 2010


This christmas was a very sad one in this household.We lost a very dear family member.

Sandy we love you May 3 2002 -December 25, 2010

We saved Sandy a little over 3 years ago from the animal shealter. She was shy, timided, you could tell whoever had her before abused her . We brought her home and had to retrain her on everything we let her get on the couch teach her that every time you turn around you won't get beat. We showed her a warm loving home that she otherwise would have never know. Ernie would always tell her "Your not much of a guard dog but your one hell of a companion!" he was right on that she would be the first one to run up to get a pat on the head. She loved everyone and she's going to be missed dearly. Its hard coming in the house without seeing her or hearing that one "woof" which was more of a hey you freakin woke me up.

We're all dealing with this in our own way. Well I know ernie is the kids dont really fully understand I don't think. They know that she's not here but I don't know how much they fully understand.How am I holding??? Well...... I'm not going to get into it. My game face is stuck on I miss her a lot more then i can explain. I'm thinking about doing a shadow box for sandy.

Heres a poem i found its pretty fitting for Sandy:
We can't believe you're gone. Why did you have to leave us?
We will miss everything about you: your sweet personality.
We have nothing but pictures and memories and
that is not enough to fill the empty spot in our hearts.
We love you with all of our hearts and
We'll always remember the good times we had together.
We may cry and be sad, but for knowing you, We'll always be glad.
We know you'll be with us someday, in another time.
But right now you're gone but you will always be here in our hearts.
We  will miss you!!!!!

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