
Monday, May 16, 2011

Its been a while...

So its been about two months since i even bother to talk about things on my mind or even whats going on. Well... a lot happen in the last two months.

Ernie and I have been working on a lot of things and have made a lot of progress. We're no longer talking / even thinking about getting devoiced. Saturday morning we we're cuddling he got up after telling me not to move he came back out cuddled back into me and told me that he thinks I should be wearing this again and he put my wedding ring back on my finger. It feels good to have it back on not to mention to hear him say "I love you" and mean it. It also feels good to see his wedding band on his finger.

Work's kinda sucked I hate working for a temp place sometimes. Worked almost 3 weeks at this one place then of course the job was done. Whatever you know... Then of course they call me for a job today but theres no way i could do it 7 days a week midnights starting at 11 which is where it wouldn't work since the time Ernie gets home form work sometimes. Which it sucks cause I would have had overtime (would have loved it) but the 7 days a week would have killed me with the kids.

Andrew's test for ADAH came back negative. His teacher is still giving him a hard time i find it hard to believe he's being as difficult as she says he is. Since anyone that has ever watched Andrew always tells us how good he is. So him being bad every day someone has to be pushing him. Or his teacher needs to teach older kids.

Elizabeth has been really clingy lately. It makes it hard to do anything when she wants to hold on all the time. I notice she does it when Ernie or I work. I know she just misses us. We'll enjoy the cuddling while it last cause one day it wont be there. Potty training is going no where right now, other then sometimes (normally when we're about to go get Andrew off the bus) she'll sit on the potty but forgets about her diaper being on. I'll give her credit on it tho it's a step in the right direction.

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