
Monday, November 5, 2012

I can't believe its November already !!!

It seems like just yesterday was April. I was just getting ready for school I can't believe I'm in my last month already. November has seemed to just sneak right up on me. It hasn't been easy that's for sure, but somehow we've manage to make it through. We've had a lot of ups and downs and gone through a mistake or two. The only thing you can ever do is learn from your mistakes. Ernie and I have to learn from our mistakes. We tried to help someone and got smacked in the face. But we learned that you can only help those who actually want help. It was a bump in the road that him and I had to overcome. Which we are in the process of doing, we're just looking at the future now. I'm in the process of looking for new jobs since I'll be a graduate at the end of the month. Then in the spring will get me a vehicle since I was a bone head and get rid of a really nice truck that I had. Then the next step is an actual house. One in which my whole family can be at the house. ( For those of you that don't know what I'm talking about we got a new park manager and she's telling me that I have to get rid of my dog so I friend of ours is going to watch her for the time being. ) Thank you again so much Debra for taking her in for us. This time of year is not an easy one for me.I struggle a lot with things that have happened in the past. I know I should "get over it " as some people say. It's not that easy when you go to something that traumatizing though. ( He would be 8 years old this year) It seems that this time of your always takes someone from the family. This year we lost Terry to cancer. I know I'm ready for things start turning around for once for the better. I'm tired of getting kicked when I'm already down. We work really hard and it seems like we can never just really catch a good break. I'm hoping our break is here finally. I guess we'll have to wait and see though. 

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