
Thursday, August 21, 2014


I have to say I'm kinda surprised but its nice at the same time. Ernie's starting to get back into golf. The only game system we have in the house is the ps2 and the original xbox. Neither one get messed with very much either. I'm not complaining tho. I'm not surprised so much about Ernie but the fact that both Andrew and Elizabeth love it. It's nice the three of them get into something together like that. what about me you ask? No Thank you. So I'll go to mini golf where it's all fun and games, but I want nothing to do with actual golf. Plus it's good that Ernie and the kids have something for just them to do together. It's nice that Andrew's actually getting into something. We've been trying, for a while I thought maybe baseball but I was dead wrong. This golf thing tho that's a different story. We go into the sports store he goes over right away checking out clubs and looking at stuff. Elizabeth's doing the same thing. I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure Ernie and I are going to be getting the kids golf stuff for Christmas. I know Andrew was pretty disappointed tonight when he found out Ernie was going out golfing right after work with some co-workers. Ernie and I both explained to him that dad's actually playing a game in the morning not just hitting balls. It seems Ernie's gonna have to take these kids out soon lol.


  1. wow thats cool that they are getting into it together, gives them something to look forward to! I dont like golf either but ill play mini golf.

    1. It's nice if anything I get sometime to myself. Even thou during that time im still doing stuff around the house cleaning and what not. Maybe someday I'll actually enjoy the time alone and not do anything, but instead i feel guilty for not doing anything. So im always cleaning or doing laundry.
