
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Tring to keep moving...

The last few days its been getting harder and harder to keep moving. This cold is kicking my ass. Between the running nose, the coughing and the sore throat its killing me. This all started with a sore ear. Now my ear doesn't bother me so much. Unless I sneeze and at that point it feels like someone killing me. I lay down I cough, I sit down I cough, its worse in the morning when i first get up and when i go to bed. I found theres certain ways if i sit or stand I won't cough as much. (sad isn't it) Theres stuff that I want to get done but it take me half of the day just to get my cough under control so I can get something done. But by that time its time for work so I don 't get even a quarter of the things down that I want to.  (I know I'm carring on and bitching sorry.)

I know its still really early but (if you read my previous post you would understand my madness) I want to get my Christmas stuff out. I got some of it out yesterday. The window stickers are up and I made the wreath for the front door I was so happy it came out it looks really good to. I need to get the energy to get my living room moved around for the Christmas tree but that's going to take a lot of energy that I don't have right now. Here's what it looks like....

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