
Friday, October 29, 2010

Long Day

Today started off a little ruff. We all slept in so Andrew was late to school. We rushed to all get in the car and get him to school. After we dropped Andrew off, we stopped and got new breaks for the car. Then somehow I managed to sweet talk Ernie into taking us out to breakfast. We went to Bunner's that place is amazing and so friendly Elizabeth loved it. We headed home so Ernie got put the breaks on the car which only took him about 20 minutes. I didn't feel like staying home so we went to Tanger Outlets and walked around checking out and pricing somethings. We did a little more running around then came home to a message on our answering machine. It was Andrew's school and he was in the office crying that his ears hurt. Ernie flew up to the school to get him and i got on the phone to get him into the doctor. After waiting for ever with a crying child that's in pain we found out he has a double ear infection. we picked up his meds and went home to eat dinner. I gave Andrew his meds and then got his pj's on him. Changed Elizabeth and got her bath and pj's on. Andrew wanted to sit on my lap in the chair which was fine with me. He fell asleep got about 30 mins then when we woke up he started throwing up. Of course i started making calls making sure he wasn't having a reaction to his meds. Ernie ran him a hot bath and got him some clean pj's. It was to long for it to be a reaction so it's just an upset stomach (we're keeping a eye on that). I cleaned up the mess Andrew cuddled into Ernie on the loves seat. We just put him into bed hopefully he sleeps. Oh ya did i mention I called off work I was told that I had to bring in a doctors note since I was taking my child to his Doctor and not the Advance urgent care bull crap isn't it? Why would you take your kid to a place were he doesn't know the doctors when you can take him to his doctor? Fucking dumb asses!! That pissed me off

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Work Crap

There's a few things I think about at work. Really I think about them a lot. But its only because of the people that come thru. Here let me explain......

We open at 11:00a.m. Which people slowly start showing up  (very normal) there is a few people that are there everyday close to the same time order the same thing (our regulars) sometimes the times may vary. Its like a treat to themselves (that's how I look at it) everyone deserves to treat themselves. But what I can't for the life of me understand is how certain people (their are a few) can be there anywhere from 2 to 3 times a day. (yes I kid you not) they show up for lunch, then of course to have to feed your kid after school so dinner and then so up later for something else wither a frosty or a sandwich of some kind. I tend to ask myself don't you care for your health not to mention the health of your child? I myself only do the fast food for my family every once in a while, not everyday for every meal. Which I'm sure if we sold breakfast the same people would be up there. Its pretty bad when a person that doesn't even work for the company is there almost as much as the workers. OK on the or hand yes that is my paycheck that they are paying for but dam really it is a little crazy don't you agree?

Last night we got swamped at work so me being in drive thru well I was on my own. (ok no big) Well I was getting big orders then of course every once in a while I would get someone that ordered 1 thing. well of course getting 4 drinks, 4 sandwiches, and 4 fries, plus taking orders its take a little bit of time. I'm only one person I can only be in one place at one time. I had this guy come thru all he wanted was a chocolate shake no cherry on it. No biggy, whatever... Well it took me a little bit ti even get his order in the system, we got him cashed out thru the back window one of the guys had a quick sec where he could make the shake for me (I was in the middle of taking yet another order) my crew member set the shake on the spot by the window and went back to the customer's he had. I grabbed the stuff that we hand out with the shake told the guy I was sorry about the wait. (then figured on to the next order) WRONG!! The guy wouldn't take the shake instead me started to make a big fuss..He asked me to take the lid off since had to wait. I informed him that I couldn't since it was a health code and I couldn't  afford to have a fine like that. Of course he wanted his money back and bitch about how he would be writing a letter i got him his refund I tried giving him his shake even after he got his money back nope he wouldn't touch it cause the lid was still on the cup.(childish all this over a fuck lid) The guy continued to rip me apart  (mind you my manager is standing out of sight just listening and seeing how i handle all this crap) finally I had enough (I figured it wouldn't be a good idea to punch the guy in the face) so I told him I was sorry that I couldn't take the lid off and that I was sorry that he felt like he would never be coming back to this store. (thinking in my mind your a fucking asshole among other things) That's all he wanted was for me to say i was sorry (even thou i could careless) he happily drove off. Then my manager came around "Angela you handled that very well!" With a smile on his face. With a smile on my face I told him to go fuck himself I was going outside for a smoke break. He busted up laughing but of course let me go. To top things off we found out later that night from the DM if the customer is being that much a a dick we can take the lid off as long as we don't touch the rim of the cup. I told my  manager that I would have taken the lid off and when handing it to the guy it would have some how fell "OPS maybe if you had a lid that wouldn't have happened!!" He got a kick out of that one.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

What a Night

Well last night was a good night at work it was weird to only work 4 hours. It flew by it was nice not to be on drive thru for once. Came home relaxed a little then off to bed. Well I thought i was off to bed. Then Elizabeth started crying so i changed her butt and put her back to bed but she was still crying so I ended up crawling into bed with her. Oh course I fell asleep when i woke up around 1:30 I went back to my bed. but then about 30 mins later she started crying again so I went and got her and put her in bed with Ernie and I which of course she was out for the rest of the night.

It was really weird for Elizabeth to do that she's never did that before I wounder why maybe a nightmare?? hrmm... Hopefully it doesn't turn into an every night things that's all I can home for.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

New blog spot, and catching up....

So I had to go find a new place to vent since for some reason the website i use to use isn't working anymore. Oh well what can you do right?? So far this one isn't to bad. I hadn't used it in a while anyway i hadn't had time. What is time anymore uh??

I know right now I should be cleaning instead of worrying about a new blog spot. But sometimes you just need to push somethings aside and do something for yourself! I'm I right or what??

So much has happened since the last time I wrote a blog.  (since I can't really remember what I wrote in my last blog and I can't look it up can't the website isn't working I might repeat myself sorry if i do).

I'm working at a job that I can't stand (I really can't stand). I don't always hate being there just most of the time i hate being there. Don't get me wrong I'm thankful it pays the bills but that's about all it does. I always work closing shifts which ya its great you would think cause I have all day to do whatever but really i don't cause my by the time I get home from work and get relaxed enough to sleep its 2 or 3 in the morning. Which getting up early the next morning for the kids makes me edgy, snippy, and many things that would bother me drive me nuts. Hell they mine as well work me 7 days a week I'm almost there already. Yes I'm looking for a different job. I just don't think that its right that the GM is the mother of not only a manager but a crew member. Its a nightmare that's all I can say.

On the other hand Ernie got a job and he's happy which makes me happy. I think he's enjoying it. With him working its makes it easier and not so stressful with the things we want to do around the house and so on.

We got a new bunny she's 4 years old and her name is Autumn. I got her from my Gm at work. I know you say but Angela you say you can't stand her. well I can't but it doesn't mean an animal should suffer over it. She's a really sweet bunny the kids can play with her and she doesn't bite she's litter trained so she can roam the house freely, which is nice.

Also Ernie and I took Elizabeth to the park the other day and we ended up bringing home another member to the family. Little Mya she's a grey kitten and she has to little white spots on her one on the tip of her tail and the other on her chest. As much as Ernie said not more cats I have to laugh since he's the first one to pick her up and cuddle with her. Which just isn't for a little bit. Its normally for a while she'll sleep on him while he watches t.v., plays a video game, falls asleep in the chair. I came home from work one night and he was cuddle up next to his head on the pillow. Two cute it made me smile.

Sandy seems to be doing ok. She's getting crabby in her old age. sometimes she wont eat unless Elizabeth feeds her. I worry. She sleeps a lot more then she use to and the cough she gets sometimes. I know that happens with old age. It's still a scary thing. We just spoil her more that's all we can do extra treats and love.

Last thing I promise LOL.

This one is no laughing matter tho. the cars broke down. The nice thing is that Ernie doesn't think its the ecu anymore but more the starter. Which we're going to haul it off cause he's not going to mess with it to much to pull apart and its just easier. I never thought i would hear that from him but i did. But I also know he likes the other cars their a lot easier to work on and not all computer controlled. But the car should be back up and running soon.