
Saturday, October 23, 2010

New blog spot, and catching up....

So I had to go find a new place to vent since for some reason the website i use to use isn't working anymore. Oh well what can you do right?? So far this one isn't to bad. I hadn't used it in a while anyway i hadn't had time. What is time anymore uh??

I know right now I should be cleaning instead of worrying about a new blog spot. But sometimes you just need to push somethings aside and do something for yourself! I'm I right or what??

So much has happened since the last time I wrote a blog.  (since I can't really remember what I wrote in my last blog and I can't look it up can't the website isn't working I might repeat myself sorry if i do).

I'm working at a job that I can't stand (I really can't stand). I don't always hate being there just most of the time i hate being there. Don't get me wrong I'm thankful it pays the bills but that's about all it does. I always work closing shifts which ya its great you would think cause I have all day to do whatever but really i don't cause my by the time I get home from work and get relaxed enough to sleep its 2 or 3 in the morning. Which getting up early the next morning for the kids makes me edgy, snippy, and many things that would bother me drive me nuts. Hell they mine as well work me 7 days a week I'm almost there already. Yes I'm looking for a different job. I just don't think that its right that the GM is the mother of not only a manager but a crew member. Its a nightmare that's all I can say.

On the other hand Ernie got a job and he's happy which makes me happy. I think he's enjoying it. With him working its makes it easier and not so stressful with the things we want to do around the house and so on.

We got a new bunny she's 4 years old and her name is Autumn. I got her from my Gm at work. I know you say but Angela you say you can't stand her. well I can't but it doesn't mean an animal should suffer over it. She's a really sweet bunny the kids can play with her and she doesn't bite she's litter trained so she can roam the house freely, which is nice.

Also Ernie and I took Elizabeth to the park the other day and we ended up bringing home another member to the family. Little Mya she's a grey kitten and she has to little white spots on her one on the tip of her tail and the other on her chest. As much as Ernie said not more cats I have to laugh since he's the first one to pick her up and cuddle with her. Which just isn't for a little bit. Its normally for a while she'll sleep on him while he watches t.v., plays a video game, falls asleep in the chair. I came home from work one night and he was cuddle up next to his head on the pillow. Two cute it made me smile.

Sandy seems to be doing ok. She's getting crabby in her old age. sometimes she wont eat unless Elizabeth feeds her. I worry. She sleeps a lot more then she use to and the cough she gets sometimes. I know that happens with old age. It's still a scary thing. We just spoil her more that's all we can do extra treats and love.

Last thing I promise LOL.

This one is no laughing matter tho. the cars broke down. The nice thing is that Ernie doesn't think its the ecu anymore but more the starter. Which we're going to haul it off cause he's not going to mess with it to much to pull apart and its just easier. I never thought i would hear that from him but i did. But I also know he likes the other cars their a lot easier to work on and not all computer controlled. But the car should be back up and running soon.

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