
Friday, October 29, 2010

Long Day

Today started off a little ruff. We all slept in so Andrew was late to school. We rushed to all get in the car and get him to school. After we dropped Andrew off, we stopped and got new breaks for the car. Then somehow I managed to sweet talk Ernie into taking us out to breakfast. We went to Bunner's that place is amazing and so friendly Elizabeth loved it. We headed home so Ernie got put the breaks on the car which only took him about 20 minutes. I didn't feel like staying home so we went to Tanger Outlets and walked around checking out and pricing somethings. We did a little more running around then came home to a message on our answering machine. It was Andrew's school and he was in the office crying that his ears hurt. Ernie flew up to the school to get him and i got on the phone to get him into the doctor. After waiting for ever with a crying child that's in pain we found out he has a double ear infection. we picked up his meds and went home to eat dinner. I gave Andrew his meds and then got his pj's on him. Changed Elizabeth and got her bath and pj's on. Andrew wanted to sit on my lap in the chair which was fine with me. He fell asleep got about 30 mins then when we woke up he started throwing up. Of course i started making calls making sure he wasn't having a reaction to his meds. Ernie ran him a hot bath and got him some clean pj's. It was to long for it to be a reaction so it's just an upset stomach (we're keeping a eye on that). I cleaned up the mess Andrew cuddled into Ernie on the loves seat. We just put him into bed hopefully he sleeps. Oh ya did i mention I called off work I was told that I had to bring in a doctors note since I was taking my child to his Doctor and not the Advance urgent care bull crap isn't it? Why would you take your kid to a place were he doesn't know the doctors when you can take him to his doctor? Fucking dumb asses!! That pissed me off

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