
Saturday, January 29, 2011

My first week!

Monday was my first day at Applied Power. I have to say really didn't know what to expect when i started. But I wasn't expecting it to be as easy as it is. There is no stress at all its really a cake walk job. I kid you not I get to listen to my Mp3 player all day. I forgot what it was like to have a job we're you get 2 breaks and a lunch. I don't have to check in with someone every time i need to use the rest room go on break or lunch. I just get up and go. My 3rd day on the job the company took everyone out to red robin for lunch. Which i guess that they do that twice a year or something like that. So that was pretty cool. Their also telling us that February they want to put us on 10 hr days if we can do it and maybe a Saturday if it we can swing it. but if we can't they understand. Of course I'm going to take any overtime i can. I think i did pretty good my first week,  I learned how to glue battery packs together (really simple), use the shrink oven (the hardest part is getting the shrink on the battery just right), then yesterday I started welding the batteries together. I was a little nervous at first but I managed not to blow up or set on fire a battery pack yet which i guess that normally doesn't happen with a first timer. Made me smile to hear that I'm one of the lucky ones :) Can't wait for week 2 :)

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